Career Coaching
Everyone deserves a rewarding career. My coaching facilitates the process of you navigating yourself, as you navigate your career, it is about “you carving out a career to fit you”, versus “you fitting yourself into a career”. We will work together to develop your confidence and set worthwhile goals that you will take steps to achieve. This may include:
- Find a career you love that is aligned with your values
- Feeling more connected to your purpose
- Earning a promotion
- Excelling at job interviews and getting that job offer
- Being more confident in meetings
- Delivering presentations powerfully
- Navigating through politics at work
- Reducing stress and anxiety levels
- Achieving better work-life balance
“Your career should be a flowing river, not a stagnant pond”
Achieving your career goals can lead to positive changes in all aspects of your life. Career coaching empowers you to take charge of your career and achieve the success you desire.
I will journey with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise your professional potential. I will honour you as the expert in your work. I will challenge you to be greater than you thought possible. Standing on this foundation, I will support you to:
- Discover, clarify, and align with what you want to achieve
- Encourage self-discovery
- Elicit solutions and strategies
- Develop your awareness of what it is to be responsible
- Hold you accountable for what you say you will do
I support my clients to improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their career potential. I have a track record of guaranteed results, provided that the client is fully committed, with a strong desire to change his/her current reality. Check out my clients’ success stories.
Check out my coaching style. Get in touch and begin your career development.
Navigating through politics at work
Many of my clients in the corporate world struggle with what is unseen, the what goes on in the background, behind your back- the politics, competition, gossiping, game playing, bullying, self-serving colleagues and culture of fear. Research has found that over 50% of employees say they engage, at least somewhat, in office politics, with most of those doing so to advance their careers. The study found that 75% of office workers believe that office politics affect their efforts to get ahead in their career, this causes unhealthy stress. It has risen to epidemic proportions and it is becoming more of a problem as the job market gets ever more competitive and leaders create high expectations, that are difficult to meet during the average working day, especially when many people have stakeholders and clients in different time zones. People create painful stories about how well their colleagues are doing, and how they need to ‘up their game’ to stay in favour. This is exacerbated by team mates boasting about how well they are doing, how much they enjoy the work, what a big work-load they have and how well they are delivering on it.
The impact of all this threads throughout teams and departments; there is very little support for employees and even less for leaders. My clients share stories of depression, anxiety and burnout. I work closely with them to see that it is their own limiting beliefs that create much of what they are fighting, and we work to reprogramme and empower a new way of being that allows them to move forward. During your coaching with me, you will be able to speak freely about what pulls you down, what stresses you out and what stops you from fully expressing yourself in the work place. We will navigate the office politics that so many people are worn down by, but have to keep pushing through or riding it out. I will give you tools to help you combat this challenging, all too common, problem.
The Distinction between Career Coaching and Career Mentoring
Some people prefer to work with coaches who have the same career background or experience, for example those who used to be in the IT field or are experienced at setting up a business, before becoming a coach. Coaches who only work with clients based on their career background or business experience can only serve you as a mentor; someone who can tell you exactly what to do, like how to write your CV, and who to approach or network to open doors and opportunities. They can only mentor you based on their career background because they have experienced the same situation, or have done the same thing themselves with success. They are not able to work with you psychologically and at depth, or address your limiting beliefs that inhibit you from achieving your fullest career potential. There is a place for career or business mentorship but make sure you know what you are looking for before approaching a career coach or a career mentor. Coaching is all about context and you are the one who brings the context. So, you come to coaching with the ‘context’ career or business coaching but a good coach will take you on a journey that develops you as a whole, and as a result you will be able to create a vision and live into a purpose that will impact your career/business and the choices you make. So make sure you get clear on your context and be prepared to transform your career if you want to engage with me as your career coach in Singapore.
Consider the following questions:
- Do you love going to work?
- Do you think you’ve reached your full potential?
- Are you appropriately compensated for the job you do?
- Do you hope there is something better for you out there?
- Is your job in alignment with your values?
Based on your answers to the questions above, could your career be more rewarding? Could you be more confident about your future? If you said “yes” then you are ready to begin your career coaching (Singapore).
Check out what you can expect during your coaching journey. Get in touch and begin your development with me as your career coach (Singapore).
Best Career Coaches in Singapore by Best in Singapore
Read my clients’ success stories:
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“For as long as I remember, I thought of myself as not being good enough and considering myself a failure. Because of my work with Graham, I also understood, and embraced, that I am a compassionate being.. For all these years I thought of it as a weakness, I now understand it is my biggest strength! Leveraging on this new understanding of myself, I was able to secure a promotion in a matter of months, something that had been eluding me for some time. Because of my work with Graham, I understood that my boss’ lack of trust in myself, and everybody else, was not because of something I did, or did not, do! Graham’s coaching enabled me to summon the courage to change position within the organisation as soon as possible, and my quality of life immediately improved. This is just the tip of my coaching iceberg. Because of my work with Graham, I was able to connect with myself in ways I did not know was possible. I was able to understand my values and what I stand for. This significantly helped me better map my life’s expedition. I awoke to something more than I ever thought possible, it was a true breakthrough for me.” ~DP, Director, BNP Paribas, Singapore
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“It was some time back in August, 2018 when I felt really hopeless; I was literally lost. I did not know where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be. I did not know how I decide what is best for me and when should I make that decision. There was so much that I think I needed to ‘fix’ that I decided to get myself a Career Coach with Graham Kean. My initial target was to get myself ‘fixed’ and as we moved through the different sessions I slowly came to realise, with the guidance of Graham, that there was so much pressure that came from within me and from the least expected outside sources, which I never even suspected. The coaching helped me realise that I could put the right energy and focus on other alternatives rather than staying in my comfort zone, which deterred my progress. Graham helped guide me to reflect on my qualities, be self-reliant and to take charge of the situation by being aware of my limiting beliefs. He showed me how I could prepare myself everyday to be a winner. The outcome from the sessions made me realise that it was never about changing myself, it was essentially about becoming more me, discovering who I am meant to be. It was a powerful journey that went way beyond just my career, it was about making the best of who I can be using the qualities that are uniquely ME. We can ultimately be our own ‘X Factor’ and market ourselves properly to be recognised for what we have to offer the world. I will continue to believe in myself. I am really happy that Graham took me into his coaching practice and worked with me, it certainly was a good learning experience.” ~Ms. J, Head of Sales, Malaysian, living in Kuala Lumpur.